Several parts make up the research paper. Though, some of the parts may be optional in different types of custom college papers. The parts that form the research paper should be connected and be arranged in a logical order to enable the readers to search for and get the info easily. Let us now go into the parts that make up the research paper in their right order and explain in brief what is expected from each part.
There are two styles involved in writing the research paper and you should stick for any of the two which can be either MLA or APA styles of presentations. There are guides for each of the two and the format is expected to be followed to the letter.
This is another important part of the paper that should be between 100-500 words in length. Here, the objective, summary, and the goal of the research paper. The summary of the paper is expected to be summarized here. The major conclusions should be involved here and it should contain figures and references.
The key objective of the paper is given in the introduction. The approach should be magnetic and must be presented in a way that will arouse the interest of the readers to continue reading your paper. The thesis statement which is a declaration of the opinion of the writer should be included here and it is the basis of the research paper.
If you are involved in large research papers, then the inclusion of the methodology and framework is a must. This is an entire chapter that is assigned to complete the detailed work involved in the entire process of the research paper.
Comments of an author should not be included under this section because the main objective here is to encourage other researchers to repeat your process and make a comparison of your results with what they got through their findings. You are expected to deal with the following under this chapter:
The results should not be discussed in this chapter because the focus on it will come through the body of the research paper.
This consists of chapters as indicated and it is where you are expected to discuss in fuller details the main ideas that represent your paper. This part consists of the following details:
This is a summary of all that you have explained in the body of the paper. You are not allowed to bring in new points here but an affirmation of what you have done in the body of the research paper.
It is expected of every student to follow the format above. No matter how beautiful the research work might be, if the right format is not followed, the marks will not be awarded.